Payment support

Plata supports the following means of payment:

‘’Beware’‘, most of these are not up to date and their general state of usefulness is unknown. Always try to understand the source code.

Cash on delivery

This payment module does not need any configuration. It simply creates an order payment with the order total as amount and confirms the order.

Payment in advance

Send an invoice to the customer and wait for clearance by an admin. This is just a copy of the check module without mentioning checques.


Check / Bank Transfer



The Paypal payment module needs two configuration values:

    'LIVE': False, # Use sandbox or live payment interface?
    'BUSINESS': '',
    'IPN_SCHEME': 'https',
    'RETURN_SCHEME': 'https'

The default IPN URL is payment/paypal/ipn/; the base path is defined by where you added shop.urls.

You should also specify ‘RETURN_SCHEME’ and ‘IPN_SCHEME’ within the PAYPAL settings and use SSL; IPN_SCHEME defaults to ‘http’, and RETURN_SCHEME will auto-select ‘http’ or ‘https’ based on the request.is_secure() value of the payment initiating request.

Never use unencrypted communication in production!

Stripe Checkout

Latest addition to Plata’s payment modules, not yet tested in production.

Configuration values:

    'PUBLIC_KEY': '…',
    'SECRET_KEY': '<secret>',
    'LOGO': '%simg/yoursiteslogo.png' % STATIC_URL,
    'template': 'myshop/payment/stripe_form.html',

Testing or live payments depend on the keys; you might use different setup files. Don’t keep secrets (passwords etc.) in setting files that get checked in into source control!

If you use zero-decimal currencies like ‘JPY’ or ‘KRW’, you should setup:

CURRENCIES_WITHOUT_CENTS = ('JPY', 'KRW')  # these two are default

And this is stripe_form.html:

{% if not callback %}
{% trans "Thank you for your payment!" %}
{% include "plata/_order_overview.html" %}

<form action="{{ post_url }}" method="POST">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.management_form }}
{{ }}
    src="" class="stripe-button"
    data-label="{% trans 'Pay with Card' %}"
    data-key="{{ public_key }}"
    data-amount="{{ amount }}"
    data-currency="{{ currency }}"
    data-name="{{ name }}"
    data-description="{{ description }}"
    data-image="{{ logo }}"
    {% if %}data-email="{{ }}"{% endif %}
{% endif %}

More information:

Postfinance (Switzerland)

The Postfinance payment module requires the following configuration values:

    'LIVE': False,
    'PSPID': 'exampleShopID',
    'SHA1_IN': '<shared secret>',
    'SHA1_OUT': '<shared secret>',

This module implements payments using SHA-1 hash validation with the simpler SHA-1 IN hashing algorithm. (Someone should update this to a safer method!)

The default server to server notification URL is payment/postfinance/ipn/; the base path is defined by where you added shop.urls.

More information:

Datatrans (Switzerland)

The Datatrans payment module requires the following configuration values:

    'MERCHANT_ID': '1000000000000',
    'LIVE': False

To work with them, you must inquire about contracts.

In their lowest pay scale they charge about 500 CHF for setup plus 20 CHF per month plus transaction fees (in 2017). That was too much for my customer, so I stopped updating the datatrans payment module.

Billogram (Sweden)

Requires billogram.api and the following configuration:

    'API_USER': '',
    'API_AUTHKEY': '',
    'API_BASE': '',
    'SIGN_KEY': ''

Payson (Sweden)

Requires payson_api and the following configuration values:

    'USER_ID': '',
    'USER_KEY': '',
    'EMAIL': ''

PagSeguro (Brazil)

The PagSeguro payment module is looking for the following configuration values:

    'EMAIL': '',
    'TOKEN': '???',
    'LOG': 'pagseguro.log'  # file name


The Ogone payment module requires the following configuration values:

    'LIVE': False,
    'PSPID': 'exampleShopID',
    'SHA1_IN': '<shared secret>',
    'SHA1_OUT': '<shared secret>',

This module implements payments using SHA-1 hash validation with the simpler SHA-1 IN hashing algorithm.

The default server to server notification URL is payment/ogone/ipn/; the base path is defined by where you added shop.urls.

This payment provider is part of Ingenico since 2014, thus it’s questionable if the module still works.